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Monogrammes and Devices

From the fairly simple to the down right ingenious, creating a design or monogramme for your hunt button can result in a miniature work of art.  Here are just a few of my favourites as illustrations.

  1. The Ystrad & Pentyrch button neatly combines Y, P and H into a beautifully simple pattern.
  2.  The spaghetti-like curlicues of the Wynyard & Durham are created from reversed W and D
  3.  Sir Thomas Duncombe Love Jones-Parry manages to get all his initials into one design on this wonderful button.
  4. It took a bit of detective work to discover that this button for Lord Elcho’s pack manages to create one ‘logo’ that nevertheless includes every letter of his surname, all E L C H and O can all be decyphered, both normally and reversed if one looks carefully.

There are many other interesting designs and BHD would be delighted if you wished to share your favourite.


  1. dscn9550 wynyard parry february-2
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